The Psalms Of Keren

She is

She is

She is… The relevance behind elegance Intelligence beyond melanin A fire yet so feminine The climax of adrenaline As fly as Heaven’s Seraphim A lady to her gentleman The cure beyond your medicine The pit you’ll keep on falling in A bandage to your deepest cuts The...

A letter to Leah

A letter to Leah

Dear Leah This letter I’m writing to you today, I’ve read to myself a thousand times Like a patient on life support, Validation was the oxygen I couldn’t live without. When on demand for affection yet denied of its supply, I went on a quest to catch my breath by...

I saw the stars

I saw the stars

I saw the stars, but tonight, They looked a little dimmer when You took centre stage What a way to make an entrance Disguising yourself in mortality Just so you could relate to our pain Leaving the glamour of your glorious chambers To share a room with the same...

Still Here

Still Here

How could you want me? I’ve misused your trust so often It would only seem logical for you to go for someone less complex I always thought I had to perform for people to stay I hate that I’ve gotten used to how they walk away The sound of their exit’s slam shut me...

Just like nature

Just like nature

She is beautiful, yet so fragile Admire, but do not exploit Explore, but do not abuse Cultivate upon the fields of her dreams And only uproot the weeds that hinder her growth She wilts when you neglect And blooms when you pamper She oozes innocence like oil gushing...

My kind of Love

My kind of Love

I prayed for a kind of love that could outstand the night I prayed for a kind of love that would put up a fight The kind that makes it hard to say goodnight  The kind of love that gives lust a fright I prayed for a kind of love that makes darkness look bright I...

Whatever it takes

Whatever it takes

I know what it’s like to be a crowd’s subject matter Like dirty dishes I was left on the sink to scatter I stood 12 years clear of their condemning spatter  Trying to dodge the bullets of their poisoned chitter-chatter I know what it’s like to spend on physicians...

If Jesus had a CV

If Jesus had a CV

If Jesus had a CV He would be too overqualified to be qualified by the unqualified Have an underpaid salary because He is the ultimate price Paid once, no monthly instalments No credits, just a cash flow of redeeming  His address would address itself back to Him...

What is a woman?

What is a woman?

A true woman of substance can be hard to findBut once she’s discovered, makes an excellent brideHer heart is not asking to be taken for a rideA first glance by a King keeps his eyes open wideHypnotized, to be politically correct, mesmerizedYes, He enters into her...