She is beautiful, yet so fragile

Admire, but do not exploit

Explore, but do not abuse

Cultivate upon the fields of her dreams

And only uproot the weeds that hinder her growth

She wilts when you neglect

And blooms when you pamper

She oozes innocence like oil gushing out of an olive

But beware:

Because this rose you wish to approach

And inhale a scent of sensation from

Also has thorns to defend herself from an evil motive

Hold her dear and no one will have to bleed

Play on with her heart and you’ll provoke her prick

Watch her rise without your permission

Just like the sun interrupts the cosiness of deep sleep

She’s a storm you never saw coming

Ready to blow you away

The summer breeze you’re looking for

Whether you leave or choose to stay

She speaks with an honesty so raw, so organic

It’s impossible to settle for less I hope you find much value in her beautiful mess