Dear Leah

This letter I’m writing to you today,

I’ve read to myself a thousand times

Like a patient on life support,

Validation was the oxygen I couldn’t live without.

When on demand for affection yet denied of its supply,

I went on a quest to catch my breath by roaming around catching feelings

The longing kept leaking until I bumped into Life

He told me, that I no longer had to beg for what His Heavenly Father freely gave

So with no further a due I retired from begging

And stopped conducting eye-tests on people I wish could see me

Because His lenses are perfect

A 20/20 vision nothing could dim from taking notice of who I am

Dear Leah

I’d like to give your confidence a pep talk

Raw is how he likes your core

You don’t always have to be sensual to feel sensational

Emit the curves from your description,

And God’s pen will still be able to contour the shape of your soul

With Him, real is more impressive than filters

He would rather choose a spicy plate of your imperfections

Over the predictable menu of your flawlessness

His heart is not too cramped a space to harbor your baggage

Where you’ve had to crash-in schedules you weren’t invited to

He reserves a VIP seat that doesn’t require force to claim

Nor needs you to exhaust your efforts to be noted

Sometimes the most amazing experiences in life

Come from the things we’ve got nothing to do with

Look within, your soul isn’t homeless

Dear anonymous lady, heard about your story lately,

A part of me just wants to reach out and embrace you

I figured with all the men in your life that try to chase you

Let these words do the deed instead of me having to face you

Dear Leah, I wish I could see yah

You got me caught up in the days, thinking you’re a lea 

Mind reader, keep it a secret I believe in yah

Keep your eyes open, lot of fish in the water

But just as many sharks that can take your heart to the slaughter

You see, just the same way you desire to get better hair

Take better care of yourself for shared tears

Dear Leah, I wish I could see yah

Dear Leah

Why settle to be an understudy when God can take the lead?

You’re nothing short of a miracle

Nowhere near from done

The head of the downtrodden has been re-instated back to majesty

Whatever you are worth, add tax to it

And I can guarantee that you still won’t be able find an estimate for how priceless you are

My lady, had you known that praise was on the way,

You wouldn’t mourn or chase after those who got away

Christ is your reward

So lift up your gaze, because better is coming.

The pressures made by society shouldn’t affect you

Beautiful masterpiece, uniquely made In God’s eyes