A true woman of substance can be hard to find
But once she’s discovered, makes an excellent bride
Her heart is not asking to be taken for a ride
A first glance by a King keeps his eyes open wide
Hypnotized, to be politically correct, mesmerized
Yes, He enters into her trance when she’s fully recognized
Eden’s chosen Rib will never be reduced to a side-dish
Not when God called her to be a praying man’s best wish
A true woman of substance is an ocean of rigorous ideas
Deep thoughts, endless questions and provoking ideals
Turning houses into homes, a garden into paradise

Her heart longs for a shield against the devil’s snare of lies
At the absence of romance, she’s still worth the pursuit
If her beauty was debatable, an unfinished dispute
Like an eagle spreading her wings to soar in the sky
Before giants, she stands tall with no reason to comply
A true woman of substance Writes herself into existence
When she breathes life into others there is no form of resistance
She gives birth to meaningful and rich conversations
Wonderful in all hues, formats and dimensions
Her Beauty exceeds just features strong and pronounced
No need to prove herself with a confidence well announced
Without external accolades she is still visible
Worth the hype and highly irresistible

A true woman of substance has a mind of gold
She is respected by both young and old
A fortress of hope for her country to behold
A story that could never be untold
Her smile is like the radiance of the sun
Matchless in majesty like what Jesus has done
Her impact and grace, no man has outdone
Out of a million, she will always be ‘The one’